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Events & Occasions: Which lashes to wear?

publisherGwyeth Zhang


When getting ready for a special event or occasion, or even just a night out - if you want to go the extra mile with your eye make-up, false lashes are your best friends. #eyelashes #minkeyelashes #wholesalelashes #lashesextention

Events & Occasions: Which lashes to wear?

An elegant and classy look that can be worn in the day, perhaps for special occasions such as lunch out or a job interview, calls for light and natural lashes, with either strip lashes such as 3D STRIP EYELASHES.

Another occasion when lashes could add something to your look is on more formal occasions such as weddings and christenings. There are various looks to play around with, whether you are going in the day or evening a guest of honour (a bridesmaid, for example) or simply a guest. You can play up or down the look, to go with either a more natural look such as the one above, or a more dramatic look, such as the first look. LITE MINK EYELASHES is a good choice.